The images on the right come from a slice of time when I studied for a MSc Physics at Brock University in St. Catharines, Canada and the background image is a page from the thesis. Every time we look at such images and/or reflect on them, our original memories have been affected by time and the new life experiences we have made and so our memories undergo transformation. These images from that time have been placed on separate layers in a Photoshop document and by making selections and using blending modes and different layer opacities, a digital composite image was made and can be thought to represent a jumble of memories from that time. By using the same layers, but changing these blending modes and selections, a variation of the original composite is achieved and this represents the transformation of our memories with time. The colour variation could reflect the emotions at the time of reflection. This is shown by the six images below.
Some of these images have suffered with passing time, and I wonder if my perceptions, experiences and memories have also changed and keep changing with time. “Memories had a long half-life.”( McEwan, 2022).
McEwan, I. (2022) Lessons. London: Vintage Digital.
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